SMART autokool
Oleme spetsialiseerunud kvaliteetsele sõiduõppele. Teeme pidevalt kõik võimaliku selleks, et täiustada meie toodet (õpet) ning tõsta seeläbi õppeprotsessi tõhusust. MEIE firma töökorraldus – oleme kohustatud tagama meie õpilastele / klientidele kvaliteetset kaupa, so kvaliteetseid teoreetilisi ja praktilisi teadmisi autojuhtimises ja kooskõlastada need teadmised Teemaanteametis. Kõige olulisemaks on see, et meie õpilased saavad hindamatu praktikakogemuse, et edaspidine autojuhtimine tagaks Teile rõõmu ja naudingu, mitte pingeid ja stressi.
Come to the office or call us
We will contact you within 24 hours, schedule a consultation and set up an individual learning plan based on the SMART system.
Why choose SMART Driving school?
We choose our employees carefully because practical lessons lay the foundation for the driver’s ability to drive. Our driving instructors are highly capable teachers with experience with the Road Administration.
Studying with a tutor brings a lot of new experiences to the beginner. Positive impressions and learning effectiveness depend on the supervisor’s experience, qualifications and even character, so we recommend that you choose the right teacher.
We are constantly doing our best to improve our product (learning) and thereby increase the efficiency of the learning process.